Terri Boyd
Not My Fault: What To Know About Auto Accident Fault
Once the dust settles, most of those involved in a vehicle accident will wonder about what and who caused the accident. If you've been hurt, that question takes on even more meaning. Whether fault is clear from the beginning or has to be determined after a lot of investigation, it plays a large role in how much money you will receive in an accident settlement. Read on for further exploration of fault.
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Seeking Compensation For Birth Defects Due To Food Poisoning
Food poisoning can lead to mild, moderate, or severe symptoms. In some cases, food poisoning can even be fatal. However, if you are pregnant, even food poisoning with mild symptoms can lead to severe health problems. One particular form of food poisoning that is very dangerous to a fetus is listeria. If your child experiences birth defects due to food poisoning, you may be entitled to compensation. Birth Defects Caused By Food Poisoning
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When Things Go Wrong With Your Workers' Comp Insurance
When it comes to work-related injuries and illnesses, few things beat workers' compensation insurance. This insurance comes to workers free of charge and covers them from the very first moment they begin working. Most workers never think about this form of coverage until they are hurt on the job. In most cases, benefits are paid. In others, not so much. Read on and find out what can go wrong and how to make things right again with your workers' compensation insurance claim.
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The Danger Of Being Thrown From A Motorcycle During An Accident
One of the primary differences between motorcycles and other vehicles is that motorcyclists can be thrown much more easily from their bikes. Because there is less protection with a motorcycle, this can lead to much more serious injuries such as broken bones, cuts, and scrapes. If you are thrown from your motorcycle as a result of being hit by a car, you should speak to an attorney as soon as possible and seek medical care.
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5 Things To Know About Bicycle Accidents
If you are an avid cyclist, hopefully, you will be able to put thousands of miles on the road without getting into an accident with an automobile. However, if you do get into an accident with an automobile, it is important to understand your rights and to contact an attorney right away to represent you. Thing #1: Get Contact Information When you are involved in an accident with an automobile as a cyclist, you should treat the situation as if you were driving a car.
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What Your Social Security Disability Attorney Wants You To Know
If you are someone who is disabled and who is hoping to get approved for Social Security Disability, then you might already be working with an attorney. If you aren't, then you will probably want to start looking for a good attorney sometime soon. These are some of the things that your Social Security Disability attorney probably wants you to know during this difficult time. It'll Hopefully All Be Worth it in the End
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Can You Sue For An Injury At Work?
If you get hurt on the job, you might have to take time off to get better. That means you're not just paying medical bills but also losing out on income. The good news is that you have options to recover. Here's what you should do. Can You Sue for an Injury at Work? Any time you're asking if you can sue for something, the answer is always yes. Any person who feels that they have been harmed by another has the right to file a lawsuit for civil compensation.
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Signs Of Nursing Home Abuse And What To Do
Most people place their loved ones in nursing facilities that they can trust, that are clean and that are safe. Even the best of efforts to keep loved ones safe can fall short when the nursing home fails to protect a loved one from harm. This devastating situation must be identified and dealt with as soon as possible. The signs of abuse can often be subtle, so read below for what to watch for and how to seek financial compensation when the worst happens.
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Filing Your First Long-Term Disability Claim? 3 Things You Need To Know About The Claimant Statement
If you are filing your first long-term disability claim, you want to make sure you get the paperwork right the first time through. Getting the paperwork right the first time will help ensure your claim is processed in a timely manner. Processing your claim promptly will help you get the assistance you need as soon as possible. Thing #1: Be Accurate and Precise With the claimant statement, this is your opportunity to explain how your disability has impacted your life.
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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome And Workers' Compensation: Faqs
More than three million people receive a diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome each year. Carpal tunnel can often result in debilitating work injuries that can limit an individual's ability to properly support themselves. When this happens, workers' compensation is essential. When it comes to workers' compensation and carpal tunnel, here are a few of the frequently asked questions and their answers that you may have. What Exactly Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
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